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PLEASE NOTE: This Contact Form is NOT for PAYDAY or Starbreeze Nebula Support.

For all enquiries about the PAYDAY games, please check out the PAYDAY Support Page.

    What kind of message would you like to send?

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Please prove you are human by selecting the flag.

    We’d love to hear from you!

    Due to the tremendous amount of mail we get, using this form is the best way of getting in touch with us. Please select the topic that best describes your subject or query; in most cases we can only respond to messages that are sent to the right person, so please choose carefully. For help and support, please also visit the Payday Steam Forums and check with the friendly and experienced community.

    All your emails are belong to us

    If you’d rather rely on traditional email, here are the relevant addresses. Note that we may not be able to reply in person to all emails!

    Sending fan mail:
    Press related inquiries:
    Jobs and recruiting:
    The website:
    Content Creators & Influencers:

    Visiting address:
    New Starbreeze Studios AB, Birger Jarlsgatan 61, 113 56 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN

    Phone: +46 (0)8-209 208

    Note that we have no possibility to offer studio tours unless previously announced.