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PAYDAY 2: The Point Break Heists and Bodhi are here!

By 2015-12-01PAYDAY 2

PAYDAY 2: The Point Break Heists are here!


Crime Has No Limit

We’re proud to announce a collaboration between PAYDAY 2 and Point Break, a dream come true for us developers. For those of you who’ve been playing PAYDAY games since the first one came out, you know Point Break was one of the heist movies that was the core inspiration for PAYDAY. Bodhi’s Pool Repair, anyone?

Two new heists will be available come Thursday; Beneath the Mountain and Birth of Sky. Both of them are some of the coolest heists we’ve ever done. Watch the trailer and check out the screenshots to see why.

A New Contact

Vernon Locke heads Murkywater’s special cyberwarfare division, which has been tasked with infiltrating and destroying However, being a mercenary with no loyalties that extra money couldn’t bend, Locke sees this as an opportunity. An opportunity to get rich, and cause a little chaos. He has reached out to Bain and the Payday gang. The deal? Work with him, or he brings down forever. And he already has a couple of jobs for you…

Bodhi, the Legendary Heister

We’re happy to say that we can release Bodhi for free! A new perk deck, a new sniper rifle and more – all thanks to the Black Market update. More information about Bodhi will be released tomorrow – stay tuned.

Check the website here for all the info you need:

See you tomorrow for day 2!


OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

Via: Steam Community