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Spring Break 2015

Welcome to Spring Break!

Spring Break is here! Between 13-21 March we will host the Spring Break event where we give away all the free stuff that was unlocked during the Hype Train event. Just like during the Crimefest event last year, one new thing will be released each day. We at OVERKILL will work around the clock the coming 10 days to make sure we deliver. Our sincerest thanks to everyone in the PAYDAY and Hotline Miami community who added Hype Fuel and made this event happen! Thank you from all of us…
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Free Weekend is LIVE!

HEISTERS! I'm back from my little trip in the states! What better timing then to introduce the last part of the sale!? With a FREE WEEKEND!? Last Day For the Completely OVERKILL Pack! For those of you who missed it - today is the last day to get the Completely OVERKILL Pack! After that, it'll be no more. Thanks to everyone who's purchased it so far. Russian Comrades! I've got some very interesting news for you. Our Russian comrades in the east have overtaken our dear Americans this month by…
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Update 56.1 is live

Click this text to go to the website! Heisters, We're live with update 56.1. Update 56.1 changelog Update size: 56.7 MB Jacket character content Fixed an issue where the Sociopath perk deck sometimes didn't get properly activated when equipped Fixed an issue with a voice line when marking Tasers Thanks for your continued support! Happy heisting! Andreas OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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Update 56 and the Hotline Miami 2 update is live!

Heisters, DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?! It's time for the Hotline Miami 2 update! Once more, OVERKILL and Dennaton Games work together to bring you something awesome. Pre-order Hotline Miami 2 or its Digital Special Edition to get extra Hotline Miami content in PAYDAY 2! You want to play as Jacket in PAYDAY 2? You want more animals in your mask inventory? Now is your chance. Check out the website here!: Update 56 changelog Update size: 193.9 MB Acquired when a player buys the Digital Special Edition…
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Hype Train – Tenth and Final Destination Reached!

HEISTERS! Holy shit, you guys actually did it. We’ve reached all destinations for the Hype Train! WOO! Destination Reward: For the first time ever, we host a PAYDAY convention in Los Angeles. During the event, we’ll host a PAYDAY 2 tournament with a total prize pool of $250,000! Bonus Reward: 10% additional XP in-game in the next patch for everyone in the community for the duration of March. Check the Hype Train website here! Watch the OVERKILL PACK trailer here! The Completely OVERKILL Pack will still be purchasable until the…
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Update 55, the OVERKILL Pack & the Completely OVERKILL pack is now live

Heisters, We're working around the clock over here at OVERKILL to make sure you get the Spring Break content as soon as possible. We put in an extra gear to bring these packs out a few days before their initial release date. We wanted to push it out before the weekend because we know how many of you that have busy schedules and only can play then. The Completely OVERKILL Pack is still limited and will be removed from the store page on the previously communicated date. The store pages…
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Update 54 and Infamy 2.0 is live!

Heisters, We're live with update 54 and the new Infamy 2.0! Update 54 changelog Update size: 59.0 MB Infamy 2.0 Added the new Infamy 2.0 system Added 20 additional Infamy levels, bringing the total to 25 Added 8 new masks as a part of the new Infamy rewards Added 8 materials as a part of the new Infamy rewards Added 8 patterns as a part of the new Infamy rewards Added 20 new Infamy achievements Hype Train Event Added 70%* XP boost for everyone until the end of March *We…
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Infamy 2.0 hypesite is live!

Dear crooks and thieves, burglars and hitmen, heisters and infiltrators, So you’ve gained Infamy level V. An impressive feat, no doubt. But, while dipping your toes into the first levels of Infamy is impressive, they are just that – the first. Good enough for a spot on some East Coast news network, for a while, or to be posted on the FBI’s most wanted bulletins. But, for true Infamy, to have your name and deeds live forever, you must go further. Go beyond. Be More. And to help you achieve…
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Hype Train – Eight and Ninth Destination Reached

  HEISTERS! Holy shit. We're going to fly 10 heisters to LA and release the Hoxton Revenge Heist! Destination Reward: You saved Hoxton from prison and raided the FBI headquarters. Now it’s time to find out who framed him. Bonus Reward: 10% additional XP in-game in PAYDAY 2 for everyone in the community for the release of Infamy 2.0 on the 5th of March. 10 Heisters Flown to California! Destination Reward: We will fly 10 heisters to Los Angeles during the summer to spend time with us in the OVERKILL…
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The PAYDAY 2 Spring Sale is live!

HEISTERS! The PAYDAY 2 Spring Sale is live! We're also announcing that PAYDAY 2 is under development for SteamOS. It'll be released later this fall. To celebrate the news, a PAYDAY franchise sale will be hosted on Steam during March 4-16. Make sure you get those discounted DLC's while they last! Almir OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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