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The PAYDAY X-mas update (PC) has arrived!

By PAYDAY: The Heist
Thanks to all you gamers who have robbed countless banks, snuck off with thousands of diamonds and scooped up gold bars by the tonnes! OVERKILL Software has monitored you closely through the security cameras and here are our counter measures:   New big-ass PC features Player drop-in ability in load-out and in-game! You can now join an ongoing game! You will no longer be locked out of games just because they have already started or because you dropped out during play. Just rejoin and continue collecting those precious dollars and…
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Payday (PC) sale!

By PAYDAY: The Heist
It's Black Friday - the shopping day of the year! Payday: The Heist (PC) is on "autumn sale" from Nov 23rd through 27th! We're talking about a whopping 33% discount on both single games and the 4-pack (where the autumn discount is added on top of the already hefty 25% bulk discount!) If you don't already have Payday on PC, now's the time to get it! If you have the game but want more friends to play with - why don't you gift the game for a few of your…
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Payday hits European PSN store on Nov 2nd!

By PAYDAY: The Heist
A long wait is over, as we only hours ago found out that the European version of Payday passed submission, and that we can spread the news that it's coming on November 2nd! To everyone who's been waiting - we want to apologize again! To everyone who's the least bit discouraged by the lobby problem some US version gamers have reported - we already have patches in the certification process that will solve the issue on both the US and the European version! Also, you need to check this out!…
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Payday PC gone GOLD!

By PAYDAY: The Heist
Hey PC crew! Bo Andersson here – Executive Producer at OVERKILL on PAYDAY. I just got off the phone with SOE and we are GOLD. I came right here first – no press release, as it is past 2 AM here in Sweden. SOE will put one out online tomorrow. It is real though. The game is being prepared for distribution on Steam servers now. This means the game is scheduled to go live on Steam tomorrow morning, 10:00 AM PACIFIC time - the 20th of October 2011. For the…
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