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Two free heists tomorrow! Less than 24 hours sale left!

Important meeting: HEISTERS! Three quick things: 1. Less than 24 hrs left of the sale! Everything is 75% off - get stuff while you can. 2. We're going live with two free heists tomorrow! One stealth-only and one loud-only. Of course there's achievments, masks, materials and more. 3. Play as Jimmy from HARDCORE HENRY in PAYDAY 2 for free! Portrayed by Sharlto Copley who stars in the movie HARDCORE HENRY. Make sure you check it out! Enjoy! Almir OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: Day 2 of the Hardcore Henry Heists!

Heisters! We're live with day 2 of the Hardcore Heists Pack! Check the website: Boiling Point There is a time for sneaking and time for just throwing yourself head first into the action without losing your nerve or head. In Boiling Point there is no room for sneaking. You and your crew will be thrown out of an airplane over a snow covered Russia. You're here to find the very same samples that Akan seek... Do not fall behind! Get there first! PAYDAY 2: Hardcore Henry Packs Trailer -…
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PAYDAY 2: Day 1 of the Hardcore Henry Heists

Heisters! We're live with day 1 of the Hardcore Henry Heists Pack! Check the website: Murky Station Bullets are silver, but silence is golden - as the old saying goes. But it is also very much true when your ability to be invisible is an absolute must for your survival! Jimmy is sitting on information about a trainyard where a powerful EMP bomb is stored. Your task is to get in, get the EMP and get out. The only thing standing in your way is Murkywater... PAYDAY 2: Hardcore…
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The PAYDAY 2 Hardcore Henry website and the Jimmy Character Pack is live!

Heisters! We're live with the PAYDAY 2: Hardcore Henry Pack website as well as the free Jimmy Character Pack update! Check out the website!: PAYDAY 2: Hardcore Henry Today we're launching Jimmy - a new member of the PAYDAY gang and a character from the upcoming action movie Hardcore Henry. We've been working together with our friend Ilya Naishuller who is the director of Hardcore Henry. As soon as we heard him tell us what kind of movie he wanted to do we were in. Now when we got…
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PAYDAY 2 – 75% off, play for free & Steam OS launch

Heisters! PAYDAY Sale and play for free during March! Starting today at 11AM PST and up until March 31st, PAYDAY 2 will be free-to-play and have as much as 75% off across the board! Anything on PAYDAY The Heist is also 75% off so now is the time to grab the original if you already haven't! PAYDAY 2 on Steam OS! PAYDAY 2 is now available on Steam OS! The game is free for all existing PAYDAY 2 owners on the Steam Platform, as well as consumers having previously purchased…
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PAYDAY 2: Skill Tree Open Beta Presentation

Heisters! As we mentioned last week we are going to show you our ongoing work with our new design on the current skill trees. The first thing we've done is adjusting our design to fit the goals that we presented. Every Friday, including today, for five weeks we will present one of our reworked Skill Trees. Today we will start with the Mastermind. The Suggestion & Feedback forum will have a thread where the Mastermind Skill Tree will be shown in detail and where you can discuss your thoughts about…
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PAYDAY 2: A Community Update

Heisters, We hope all is well and that you're having a lovely weekend! Figured it's time to give you guys an update on stuff that we're doing. Community Engagement We're continuing our efforts to become better at helping you guys have an awesome experience while playing PAYDAY 2. We're taking in your feedback regarding how we communicate new features, in the forums and the PAYDAY subreddit. PAYDAY 2 producers Andreas, Hampus and Joakim are ensuring we do what we can to make sure you guys are treated as good as…
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PAYDAY 2: Update 95.6

Heisters, We're live with a hotfix. Hotfix 95.6 changelog Update size: 28.9MB General Fixed an issue where players sometimes couldn't interact with equipment and assets Thanks for your continued feedback on the Updated Main Menu Open Beta. We will look into your suggestions and discuss this with you during the upcoming week. Have a great weekend! Andreas OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: Update 95.5 and info on upcoming Open Betas

Heisters! We've got a lot of news to share with you this week, more info on this below. Perk Decks Open Beta - Thanks for your feedback First off, we’d like to thank you for all your comments regarding the Perk Deck beta that we’ve been having the past few weeks. We’ve now pushed it live, but that doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped working on it in any way – we will continue to listen to your feedback and monitor the changes and how you use them. Updated Main Menu…
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Two horror themed PAYDAY 2 masks available for free!

Chat: Heisters! Get two cool masks for free if you join the Dead by Daylight community on Steam. Here's how they look: Here's where you join/follow: They're also looking for alpha testers if you're interested in trying their game out! Check out their latest in-game teaser: Cheers! Via: Steam Community
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